Fibershed Resources

Map of the NYC Fibershed 100 mi radius. Painted by Kyle Schaefer

Map of the NYC Fibershed 100 mi radius. Painted by Kyle Schaefer

Whose Land Are you on?  

All of the US is built on stolen Native land. Support the Native communities who make NYC home. Begin repairing your relationship to the land and Native communities by learning about whose land you are on. A few resources to go deeper:

“an acknowledgment is not the same as a relationship. Land does not require that you confirm it exists or that it has been stolen, rather that you reciprocate the care that it has given you. The land and water and air, the territory, exists regardless of the acknowledgment, which is only ever a first step. Next steps involve treating territory as kin, building relationships with that land itself, as if it were your kin. Because it is.” - Joseph M. Pierce

“Because we have been disconnected from the impacts out clothes have on land, air, water, labor, and our own human health for such a long time, we’ve been lulled into a passive, non-questioning state of being as consumers. When we begin reconnecting these dots, however, we create opportunities to build new relationships that are rooted in sharing skills, physical labor, and creativity, all of which carry meaning, purpose, and a way to belong to one another and to the land.”

-Rebecca Burgess


Select listing of Local Fiber resources in a 100 mi radius of NYC’s fibershed. If you know a fiber farm, mill, or shop focused on local fiber in the 100 mi radius of NYC that’s missing from this list, let me know!







Out of 100 mi radius, but process lot’s of our fiber



Natural Dye Resources